Whats been going on.....

Hey everyone just thought I'd give an update to whats been going on and what we have planned. We just finished up our homework help, the English program, and had our Skit(with the kids from the English class)for the parents. We had about 110 people or so come and this gave us an opportunity to gather all those people in one room and share the Gospel with them. I feel like it went well and we had a great opportunity to share Christ's love with others. I've already posted some Photos and Videos of the Program and skit we had, if you want to see more you can look there.

Now here's a list of things we have planned and want to do in the future. We will be starting the homework help back when school starts. On June 16th we will be starting our Awana program and we will have it two days a week, on Thursday and Friday, from 2:00-4:00. On June 17th we will start our summer English program for kids on Wednesdays also from 2:00-4:00. We've had quite a few adults ask us if we were doing adult English classes, we haven't been unfortunately, but starting June 18th we will be doing adult English tutoring every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We also want to do more street evangelism and maybe some skits. We haven't been doing much evangelism lately because Cristi broke his foot back in February/March and it's hard to do without a translator but, Cristi is doing much better now and can walk on his own two feet so we should be getting to do some street evangelism soon!

We're really excited about the new English and Awana programs that we can use as tools to help share the Gospel with others. We have about two weeks of down time left until we start all of these new things then after that it's busy, busy so be in prayer for us, Cristi, and Irina as we get ready for this summer.


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